Sunday, October 11, 2009


Here are a few thoughts on life as we enter fall and are getting closer to the end of the year.
I think it is kind of sad when the leaves start putting on their beautiful colors. I think this may be because I always feel like the family is closer in the summer. We travel together, go camping together, take long evening walks--now all of this is over. It is especially sad now that the two older ones have moved on in life. A tremendous longing for the days of my children's childhood strikes when I am alone or feeling lonely. And now that they are older I worry about them twice as much!
Then there is the political situation in America. So many people are unjustly imprisoned in this country. And Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize? Kind of makes it meaningless. Not to mention that there is no justice for the unborn. Hasn't been since 1973.
But there has to be some joy in life as well. Good friends, loving relatives, kind strangers, things to make, things to do.
Blessings on all as we draw near to the end of 2009!

1 comment:

  1. Jackie,

    Your talking about the trees is my interest too. I really want to get another tree for my front yard, up the slope. I am thinking of a large variety -- to go with the others there -- maybe a ginko or a red oak. Any ideas? I will put it by the two Austrian pines, the birch tree and the newly planted blue spruce, which is tiny and cute right now, and was only $5.00 (I'm hoping to fertilize it well so it will grow fast, which is unlikely to happen, but do like growing at least some of them from babies, since it brings fulfillment with the years to see them grow so large). Yes, a large deciduous tree would be so lovely! I have been envisioning it every day lately, and have the perfect spot all ready for it.

    Who is unjustly imprisoned? I know that people are, but are you saying that MANY are? You should write a post explaining that.

    I like your take on the Nobel Peace Prize. I actually thought the same thing -- it's become rather meaningless -- just another "politically correct" arrangement anymore.
    Who would have you given it to? We should run our own little campaign and choose our own little Peace Prize award.

    Anyway, please write more soon.
