Tuesday, March 2, 2010

oh no!

Oh no! Today I was driving down a back road, doing the speed limit, 35 mph, when a dear little bird, black and white and yellow, flew right down in front of my car! I hit the brakes but it was way too late. I didn't hear or feel even the slightest thump but when I came to a stop, there it was, in the grill, completely flattened. I couldn't even see the dear little head. All I could see were some delicate feathers in kind of an oval shape. It is sad when a bird lover like me hits a bird. No doubt some native, possibly threatened species. Why couldn't I hit a starling? Why didn't I see it coming?
It reminds me, though, of the poor people who have accidentally killed a person/people with their automobiles. How awful! And for some of them, their lives are over, with long jail terms, even though it was truly an accident.


  1. I am scared to death of pedestrian accidents, too! Praying for safety can never be in vain.

    I do feel quite bad when I kill a bird while driving too, but you know, those mean cats of ours eat them steadily.

    I know it's why you don't like cats, Jackie. It's because you love birds, and God bless ya for it. We do love those sometimes flea ridden cats who hunt, though, and do have kittens on the way again for any who need a pet for their little child, or need a mouser, or a you know what -- a starling bird hunter!

  2. Yes, too bad we can't train them to hunt just the pests, like starlings! but then we don't live in a perfect world.
