Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Looking at the times

A news banner runs across the top of my screen about some policemen repeatedly tasering a 76 year old man driving an antique tractor in a parade. I believe this type of tyranny and bullying is going on more and more in this country by those who are supposed to be protecting us.
And what about those nit picky laws that are going to get us all someday, just because we can't keep track of them all? I could never go fishing because the fishing regs are far too complicated for me.
A freedom loving Christian may be tempted to despair.
But we have to remember that tyranny and cruelty have always been around, and we must do what we can to make this world a better place. We also have to remember that this world is not our permanent home, and that eternity lasts a lot longer than our sorrowful lifespans here.